You got to love the Older Generation...

As an IT guy I come across little moments of pure joy every now and then … because the older generation is so cute when it comes to their understanding of a computer.

So as Sal, a 55 yr old co-worker (one of my favorites by the way), was leaving the office yesterday to enjoy his vacation…

 I yelled out "Sal did you make sure you turned your Outlook Auto Responder on?"

 To my delight …  he yelled “yes yes KAL I got it … I put it on “

Knowing Sal is older and knows nothing about computers…  Today I went over to see what he meant, as It was mentioned that, his auto responder was off?

To my surprise Sal did leave a note that he was away…..and Sal did what he said he did…… he thinks  .

Sal..  I think we need to have a talk about what an Auto Responder is and what it’s purpose is.. God Love him:)

Sal we need to talk about what an Auto Responder is.