The World Health Organization estimates that 370,000 people drown each year, and according to the United States Coast Guard 82 percent of those people were not wearing a life jacket. The Kingii is an emergency life preserver that you can strap right to your wrist in case you don't feel like wearing a life jacket. It's lightweight and portable design makes it much less bulky than a life preserver. To use it simply pull the lever on the wristband and the flotation device will inflate within seconds, thus floating you to the surface of the water. The Kingii uses capsules so you don't have to buy a new device every time you use it. Simply replace the capsule and hop back in the water and try not to drown this time.

Russian Progress Supply Spacecraft in Trouble!

A Progress spacecraft—the unmanned vehicle used by Russia to send supplies to the International Space Station—lost communication with the Russian space agency after launching from Kazakhstan early Tuesday morning. According to Space Flight Now, the Progress began “spinning, or rotating, in some fashion” shortly after reaching orbit. At that point, Roscosmos started having issues receiving reliable data from the vehicle, and it seems the agency is still trying to figure out what went wrong.

You got to love the Older Generation...

As an IT guy I come across little moments of pure joy every now and then … because the older generation is so cute when it comes to their understanding of a computer.

So as Sal, a 55 yr old co-worker (one of my favorites by the way), was leaving the office yesterday to enjoy his vacation…

 I yelled out "Sal did you make sure you turned your Outlook Auto Responder on?"

 To my delight …  he yelled “yes yes KAL I got it … I put it on “

Knowing Sal is older and knows nothing about computers…  Today I went over to see what he meant, as It was mentioned that, his auto responder was off?

To my surprise Sal did leave a note that he was away…..and Sal did what he said he did…… he thinks  .

Sal..  I think we need to have a talk about what an Auto Responder is and what it’s purpose is.. God Love him:)

Sal we need to talk about what an Auto Responder is.

I saw this 60 mins in 2010... still waiting to know how will this pan out.

Cheap clean energy powering your home for 40 years with one price paid up front. NO Power plant necessary. If Google Ebay and Wallmart are using this why can't we have this.!!!?????

Have a look at their customer list now! 

Large corporations in California have been testing a new device that can generate power on the spot, without being connected to the electric grid. They're saying it's efficient, clean, and saves them money. Will we have one in every home someday?

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